Sunday, September 27, 2015

Change Your World

 Today I sang at the memorial service for a woman I'd never met. But it touched something deep inside me. This girl turned 30 two weeks ago and passed away 10 days after from Ovarian cancer. Just hearing her age would make anyone think, "Her life was just getting started, she was way too young to go." And she was. But what I saw today was a life that was lived to the fullest. A girl who had more true friends than I could count, and a family that adored her. There is no telling how many lives she changed and impacted in her short 30 years here on earth. She worked with autistic children and people with drug addictions, and had a smile for every person she met. Every person that spoke about her today could have gone on and on about all the things that were special about her and the joy she brought to their lives.
 Days like today really make you think and examine your own life. I wonder...would 300 people show up at my memorial service? Would there be enough of my life worth making a 25 minute tribute video for? I really don't know, and I honestly kind of doubt it. I don't say that out of pity. I say that because today motivated and inspired me. It reminded me that we aren't promised tomorrow. I don't know if I will live to be 30 or 90. But whichever it is I hope a crowd shows up to celebrate my life. Because I hope I show love to a crowd. I hope I show love to people I don't know. I hope I make a thousand people's day a little brighter by giving them a smile. I hope I notice the ones who are always overlooked and let them know that they are seen. I hope I give more than I take. I hope I respond to anger with kindness. I hope I look past the outside to be able to see people's hearts. I want to forgive quickly, judge less, and reach out more. I want to laugh louder, smile wider, hug harder, and love better. I want to live life fearlessly and with a heart wide open.
 You know, maybe it won't be a crowd of 300. Maybe that's not what I'm here for. But I do know without a doubt I'm here for so much more than just myself. So whoever I cross paths with...for a moment, for a year, or for a lifetime...I hope I leave them a little lighter, a little happier, a little more loved. I still find myself wondering, "What in the world am I here on this earth for?" And I think I get too caught up in feeling like it has to be some big thing to really count. But I think it's often all the little things put together that really make the biggest difference. A smile for a stranger that looks sad really can make their day. A hug when words won't suffice can heal hearts. Being a friend who sits and truly listens for as long as it takes is priceless. I don't believe I can change the world. But I can change my world and I can love genuinely every person I come into contact with. I can tell my husband and my family how much they mean to me every single day. I can be a better wife, a better sister, daughter and friend. I can be grateful for every moment and make the most of every day.
 Jessica Phillips...we never met in person but today I saw the legacy you left and I'll never forget it. Thank you for living and loving like we all should.

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