Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time To Wake Up!!

 AWAKE, AWAKE! Clothe yourself in Your strength, O Zion; Clothe yourself in Your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for the uncircumcised and the unclean will no longer come into you.
Shake Yourself from the dust, Rise Up, O captive Jerusalem! Loose Yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive Daughter of Zion! For thus says the Lord, "You were sold for nothing and you will be redeemed without money. Isaiah 52:1-3 (Bold italics inserted by me)

These three verses have been running through my head like a broken record recently. These words are so empowering and uplifting, and they leave no room for excuses. God is saying...I...YOU... have the power and the strength inside YOU to make a change in YOUR life!

 I've been struggling recently with some hurtful things people have said about me. It seems as soon as I start to let go of my past it gets thrown back in my face. I'm not afraid to be honest about where I've been. I've been told I have a disease I can never be cured from. I've been told I just have to learn to cope with my struggle as best as I can. Many people have the belief or opinion that once you've struggled with an eating disorder or addiction of any kind it is nearly impossible to ever be "normal". There will always be people who will be doubtful that I can ever really be free. But the above verses say the exact opposite, and I would so rather believe what God says than what people say. I'm holding onto the fact that God sees my heart. He sees the desire burning inside of me to be free, to be whole. He also sees my journey from the beginning. He's seen the hurt, trauma, and pain I've been through. He's seen me in my darkest times and in my best times. And STILL He loves me, He believes in me, and He is continuing to heal me. I don't ever want to use my past as an excuse to stay bound in disorder and disfunction. Yes, I've been through alot of painful things...but who hasn't? What's more astounding than the pain, is the healing God has done and is still doing. When people hear my story I want them to hear of the grace and mercy and unconditional love He has had for me. I believe it is possible for Him to change anybody. All it takes is believing that He can. He has given us a strength that most of us never realize is there. Most people are too afraid to dig deep, stand up on their own two feet, trust God, and FREE THEMSELVES. Isaiah doesn't say.. just sit and pray and hope that God will come rescue you. It clearly says that there is action we must take, that we CAN take! We are powerless in and of ourselves, but with God we have the power to overcome anything!

 I am preaching to myself here. There are still times where I let my gaurd down and allow the lies of defeat to overtake me. The person who recently said that people like me can never change was not even someone close to me, but I allowed those words to shake me. Insecurites and doubts overwhelmed me and made me want to curl up into a ball and disapear. But I had to remind myself of what I know is TRUE. The truth of what God says about me. He has done so much for me, brought me so far, and I know He is not done with me yet. No matter how many times I fall, as long as I continue to get back up I will not be defeated. And every time I stand up again I am gaining strength and moving forward. I believe I am free already, I just have to make the choice to walk in that freedom. Which brings me to another one of my favorite verses:

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery" Galations 5:1

I love that that verse is in past tense. Meaning we are already free. God paid the price for our freedom over 2,000 years ago when He died for us. So many of us are sitting in chains that have already been undone and we just don't know it! He did His it's up to us if we want to do ours and walk in the freedom He died to give us! Wow. Every time I think about that it blows me away. And it saddens me that so many people don't realize it and even more people refuse to believe it at all.

In conclusion...I'm done listening to what people have to say about me and I'm ready to believe what God knows about me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister,
    I didn't know you had a blog. It is beautiful. You are so special and strong and beautiful. I love you. ~Diana
